Submit Historical or Tourism Related Works

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Interested in being published on the web? Here's your opportunity to submit your article or story for inclusion on the website.

Stories or articles MUST be authored by you, and any images accompanying your piece must be owned by you. If you are using the work of others, source attributions need to be provided. Plagiarism and copyright violations will not be tolerated. Your story or article will carry your byline.

Here are two examples that are currrently on the site:

Salero Camp: view...
Tubac Overview: view...

Submit your inquiry or material to us for review. We make no guarantee that your submission will be accepted. There is no payment associated with acceptance of your material. Your byline attribution is your payment. If you have a website and/or an email address, we will inlcude an outbound link to either or both below your byline.

Still interested? Is so, please contact us about your idea.
